Updated polling place reminders

Updated polling place reminders

Davenport – Scott County Auditor Kerri Tompkins reminds voters that some polling places have changed due to recent redistricting across the state.

“Mailing notices of polling place changes is the final phase of the decennial reapportionment process. We will deliver these cards to the Postal Service today, and every household with a registered Scott County voter should be receiving them over the course of the next several days.” she said.

“The cities of Bettendorf, Davenport, and Eldridge have redrawn their precinct maps and there are various changes in precinct boundaries for each city. This is especially the case for Bettendorf which added four new precincts due to population growth,” Tompkins said. Voters can see specific maps of each precinct at the auditor’s website, www.scottcountyiowa.gov/auditor.

The new districts for congress, the Iowa House and one half of the Iowa Senate will take effect with the 2022 General Election. The other half of the Senate districts will take effect with the 2024 General Election.  “This process can be confusing and frustrating for voters who are accustomed to their polling places and feel comfortable with their current representatives,” Tompkins said. “I hope this mailing will help reduce the confusion.”

Voters can also look up their polling place online at this link External Link. To check your voter registration status, register to vote or update your information, visit VoterReady.Iowa.gov External Link or the Scott County Auditor’s Website.

Please follow the Face Book Page so you can be notified as communication is made public,

Scott County Iowa Auditor’s Office | Davenport IA | Facebook External Link.

Also, if you have questions, please call the office, 563-326-8631 or check the website, Auditor’s Office | Scott County, Iowa (www.scottcountyiowa.gov/auditor),  Thank you.