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Regular City/School Election Day

REGULAR CITY/SCHOOL ELECTION DAY Polls are open November 7, 2023 from 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. All absentee ballots must be received in the auditor’s office by 8:00 p.m. Voter Resources Precinct Finder – Where do I Vote? Candidate Listing Filed Candidate Papers Sample Ballots Facebook Page External Link If you have questions, please call the office, 563-326-8631 or check the …

See results from Davenport’s October 2023 primary election

Davenport held a primary election on Tuesday to narrow down the fields for mayor and wards 2, 3, 4 and 7 ahead of the November city/school election. Two candidates from each race move on to the November election. Stories providing further coverage of the the mayoral race and city council races will be posted to …

City Primary Election Day

Polls are open from 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. All absentee ballots must be received in the auditor’s office by 8:00 p.m. Voter Resources Precinct Finder – Where do I Vote? Facebook Page External Link If you have questions, please call the office, 563-326-8631 or check the website, Auditor’s Office. How can I prepare for election day? Pre-register to Vote …

2023 City School Election Candidate Guide

Release date: June 26, 2023 – release immediately Contact: Kerri Tompkins, Scott County Auditor 563-326-8631 Candidate Guide is Available for 2023 City-School Election DAVENPORT – Scott County Auditor Kerri Tompkins announced today the Candidate Guide External Link, ( is available via the Iowa Secretary of State’s Office for the City-School Election this fall. “I encourage candidates to …

2023 City/School Election Candidate Information

Links: Candidate Resources Candidates-Guide-2023.pdf ( External Link 2023 Candidates How To Fill Out Paperwork Video External Link Signatures Required: Position Signatures Required Davenport Mayor 181 Davenport Alderman At Large 91 Davenport 1st Ward 20 Davenport 2nd Ward 19 Davenport 3rd Ward 11 Davenport 4th Ward 20 Davenport 5th Ward 24 Davenport 6th Ward 41 Davenport 7th Ward …

Reminder of Important General Election Dates

DAVENPORT – Scott County Auditor Kerri Tompkins reminds voters that Election Day is around the corner. “It is important to me to get the correct information out and for each voter to know there are still numerous opportunities available to vote before Election Day.” Where can I vote in person before Election Day? Please know …

Updated polling place reminders

Davenport – Scott County Auditor Kerri Tompkins reminds voters that some polling places have changed due to recent redistricting across the state. “Mailing notices of polling place changes is the final phase of the decennial reapportionment process. We will deliver these cards to the Postal Service today, and every household with a registered Scott County …

Iowans urged not to fall for election misinformation and disinformation

DES MOINES – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is urging Iowans not to fall victim to election misinformation and disinformation. Instead, voters should turn to trusted sources for election information, the people that run elections in Iowa: the Secretary of State and county auditors. Secretary Pate updated the Myth vs. Fact section of his Election …

Iowans Urged to Check Their Voter Registration Ahead of November General Election

MEDIA RELEASE: Secretary Pate urges Iowans to check their voter registration ahead of November general election   DES MOINES – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is encouraging Iowans to ensure they are registered to vote at their current residence. September is National Voter Registration Month, and with the November 8 general election approaching this …

Auditor’s Office Mailing a Voting Notice

NEWS RELEASE Release date: September 8, 2022 Contact: Kerri Tompkins, Scott County Auditor 563-328-4115 Scott County Auditor, Kerri Tompkins announced today that her office will mail a voting notice to each Scott County household with at least one registered voter. The notice informs voters on how to request ballots by mail and options for in-person …