2023 City School Election Candidate Guide

2023 City School Election Candidate Guide

Release date: June 26, 2023 – release immediately

Contact: Kerri Tompkins, Scott County Auditor 563-326-8631

Candidate Guide is Available for 2023 City-School Election

DAVENPORT – Scott County Auditor Kerri Tompkins announced today the Candidate Guide External Link, (www.sos.iowa.gov/elections/clerkssecretary) is available via the Iowa Secretary of State’s Office for the City-School Election this fall. “I encourage candidates to turn in their packets early in the filing period to allow time for any concerns. We also have great resources linked to our website (www.scottcountyiowa.gov/auditor/candidates), including a video that explains how to review the full process with specific details,” shared Tompkins.

Candidates must turn in their completed candidate packets to the designated filing clerks: the applicable School Secretary or City Clerk. The Auditor’s Office does not accept these packets. The Regular City-School Election filing period begins Monday, August 28 and ends at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 21.

The City of Davenport is the only city in Scott County that may have a Primary Election. Therefore, the dates and requirements for Davenport differ from the rest of the county. Their filing period begins Monday, August 14 and ends at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 31.

Please follow the Facebook Page so you can be notified as communication is made public:

Scott County Iowa Auditor’s Office | Davenport IA | Facebook External Link.

Also, if you have questions, please check the website Auditor’s Office | Scott County, Iowa (scottcountyiowa.gov) or call the office at 563-326-8631. Thank you.

